Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Stutton Church of England Primary School values the abilities and achievements of all of its pupils and is committed to providing each pupil the best possible environment for learning.

Our teacher with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Maregeli. 

Pupil Profiles

Each child identified with special educational needs or a disability (SEND) will have a ‘Pupil Profile’, written in collaboration with parents/carers and school staff. It helps us ensure that all adults working with the child are aware of the important information about them and how best to support them. Termly meetings are held with parents/carers, after each half term holiday, to share updates on these plans and for collective observations and successes to be added to the working document. These plans follow the children throughout their time at the school allowing for smooth transition across year groups.


A section of these pupil profiles is a Support Plan which details upto three SMART (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and time based) targets that the child is working towards each term. In this plan, the individualised extra provision that is in place for the child, is recorded and monitored.  This is a working document and will be updated regularly by adults working with the child. It is officially reviewed and updated each term. This will then be shared with parents and the children. Our plans also have ideas and recommendations that the families can work on at home so that we take a consistent and team work style approach to supporting our children.

All of our plans are structured around Judith Carter's '7 C's' approach whereby we try to identify the child's specific barriers and strengths and we therefore develop an individualised approach to supporting them to overcome or remove those barriers using both their strengths and extra provision to do this. For example, if a child is struggling in maths, it is not always succesful to simply give them more maths to overcome that barrier. Instead, it may be that they have a poor working memory and therefore need support and adaptations in this area in order for them to access their learning.



We have several interventions that we use in our school which are additional to the learning carried out in the classroom. Each intervention has been chosen to support individual children with their specific needs which are identified through different forms of assessment. The progress of each individual is carefully monitored through regular assessment to check for the impact and effectiveness of the intervention upon the child’s learning.



For parents/ carers please remember that the first port of call for any concerns is your child’s class teacher. Your class teacher will pass on any further concerns to Mrs Maregeli who will contact you directly if a follow up conversation is needed.

An overview of our school's SEND provision


We are an inclusive school and may offer a range of the following provision as set out below to support our children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, emotional and mental health, sensory and/or physical needs or medical conditions. The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual need following assessment by internal or external agencies and discussions with staff, children and parents or carers.


General provision:

·         High quality teaching and adaptations of tasks.

·         Whole class screening, assessment and data analysis to support identification of children needing more support and to closely monitor progress.

·         Pupil progress meetings with each teacher to support identification of pupils needing additional support.

·         Highly trained and skilled staff.

·         Continuous professional development and training for all teachers, teaching assistants and learning mentors led by Suffolk's Speciliast Education Service  (SES), effective target setting and monitoring for SEN pupil profiles led by Mrs Maregeli (SENCO) to name a few.

·         Teaching Assistant (TA) support in class, in small group work or on a 1:1 basis.

·         Pupil profiels written in collaboration with children and parents and used as a working document with termly reviews

·         Specific targets set through a SEN Pupil Profiles.

·         Regular reviews of targets and provision.

·         Interventions linked to classroom practise and in response to assessment in the classroom.

·         Referrals to, and involvement from, county based support.

·         Conversations with parents/ teachers/ SENCo.

·         Working closely with our local High Schools to ease transition.

·         Transition meetings between staff (teachers and SENCo) to ease movement of children from one year group to the next.

·         A range of resources e.g. standing desks, wobble cushions, ear defenders, visual timetables, fidget toys, pencil grips, adapted resources, manipulatives, now and next boards, word banks etc available to all children in every area of the school. 

·         Supporting statements / letters written for referrals to outside agencies/ GPs/ Paediatricians.

·         Attendance and contributions to a range of multi-agencies meetings.

Asset Charter for Inclusion.docx

The following links provide support and guidance

SENDIASS Confidential and impartial information, advice and support service on issues related to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Suffolk Local Offer Clear, accessible and accurate information about the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Suffolk Parent Hub A single place for Suffolk parents or carers to find parenting advice and support to help their child’s development.

Suffolk's SEND Strategy  A regular update for parents and carers to keep you informed about what is being done to implement Suffolk’s SEND Strategy.