
Safeguarding and Child Protection at Stutton Primary School

Safeguarding at Stutton Primary School is considered everyone’s business, both staff and governors are committed to ensuring every child at our school is safe and protected from harm.

Our safeguarding policy has been developed to also ensure that there is appropriate provision in place to ensure that our pupils are safe and adopt safe behaviour, and that staff, governors, volunteers, visitors and parents are aware of the expected behaviours and legal responsibilities in relation to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.

To achieve this we aim to:

To see the full safeguarding policy and related policies please visit our policies page.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Crystelle Edwards. 

The Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Janette Newbould, Mrs Alice Maregeli and Mrs Lucy Seager. 

The named Governor for safeguarding is Mrs Jo Hazlewood. 

We send home a termly newsletter focussed on current online safety issues. We also share updates when needed on the weekly newsletter. 

County Lines:

County Lines is the organised crime that is being drafted in from London into Suffolk especially Ipswich, it is gang and drug related, recruiting young people in the Ipswich area to sell drugs and commit crime for the gangs.

If you are concerned about a minor being involved please use the contact details on the leaflet to report these concerns


Useful contacts and links: