School Clothes 

Uniform...or not!

Stutton Church of England Primary School does not have a compulsory school uniform. This decision has been revisited and carefully considered over the years but we like to celebrate children's individuality and ensure they can wear practical clothes which enable them to move and play especially during lunchtimes and outdoor sessions such as Forest School.

Although there is no compulsory uniform, we do ask that children come to school dressed in a sensible, practical and appropriate manner for the day ahead.  

The following items of clothing are deemed inappropriate:

Please ensure all clothing is named.

Optional Uniform Items

We do offer a school sweatshirt, hoodie and polo shirt which children can choose to wear if they prefer the convenience and consistency of having separate school-wear. It is a very jazzy purple colour as you can see in the photo below!

Orders are submitted through the school office a few times a year so please speak to Mrs Seager about when the next order is being submitted if you are interested in buying any items

PE Kit

Children need a PE kit to include; plain t-shirt,shorts and leggings or jogging bottoms that are suitable. They also need sweatshirts, socks and trainers.  Hair must be up for PE for safety reasons. 

For safety reasons jewellery must not be worn during PE lessons.  Your child must be able to remove their own jewellery or not wear any on PE days.  

Children are encouraged to bring a spare pair of shoes or boots for outdoor use so they can continue to access the field in wet weather.

Please ensure that the shoes your children wear or bring for outdoor use are easy for them to put on and take off and that if they wear lace ups they can tie them themselves.

Please ensure that all clothing is named.